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Ask any question about faith.

Have questions? Try Alpha.

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that gives you the opportunity to discuss the Christian faith in an informal, fun, and friendly environment. Alpha consists of ten talks looking at topics including “Who is Jesus?” and “Why and how do I pray?” and the option of a weekend retreat. At Alpha we meet for dinner and each talk is followed by discussion in small groups.

You don’t have to come for the whole series, just check it out for the first session and see what you think. No pressure.

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Who is Alpha for?
Alpha is for everyone. No question is out of bounds and you’re free to discuss as much or as little as you wish. We don’t assume any background knowledge of or belief in Christianity, and everyone is welcome.

How long is each session?
Each session is 6:30pm to about 8:30pm. We begin with dinner, followed by a short teaching and small group discussion.

Where is Alpha?
Alpha is held in Meeting Room C at City First Church Spring Creek near the entrance off of Spring Creek Rd.

How much will alpha cost?
The weekly Alpha course is free and dinner will be provided. The only cost is for a two-day retreat that will take place the weekend after our sixth class.

Are there serving opportunities?
Yes! Alpha Course is looking for people to help with administrative tasks and assist with the hospitality experience of Alpha participants. Register for Alpha, and select the option to serve.