Disaster Relief


We believe we aren't just giving to a church...we're investing in life-change.


Why We Give

Jesus taught in Matthew 6, there is a connection between our hearts and our wallets. He knew the biggest competitor for our trust and dependence on Him was money. Giving is an opportunity to tangibly demonstrate we trust Him above anything else. When we give, we’re saying we believe God can do more with part of our money than we can do with all of it.



We have been prayerfully seeking God as to what role this church is to play in having a heaven-impact here on earth. The Bible shows us that Jesus gave all He had to reach the lost, and that there is no greater love than this. He asks us not to hold back in our own sacrifice, as we leave a legacy for the next generation.

Join the ongoing journey to impact generations and make an eternal difference!

Generosity Rockstar

Trusting God with your finances is a journey, and to help you take that first step, we developed Generosity Rockstar.

Give Online

Giving online has never been easier! Within a few minutes, you can make a one-time gift or set up a recurring gift using a credit card or bank account right from your phone. Best of all, your payment information can be saved securely in your account, making the next time you give that much easier!


Recurring Giving

Life is busy these days, isn’t it? If we aren’t careful, we’ll forget to take care of routine and important things like paying bills, running errands, taking care of to-do’s, and remembering birthdays and anniversaries. Thankfully, we have technology that helps us automate all of the most important things in life.

Why not automate one of the most important spiritual exercises: tithing? Within a few minutes, you can set up recurring giving and make sure that you never miss returning your tithe to God!


What is Tithing?

Tithing is a way we worship God, because it shows Him that we trust His provision in our lives. “Tithe” means ten percent, which is the portion of our income that we give to God to say thank you for all He has given us. God doesn’t need our money, He wants our trust, and trusting Him with our finances is a great way to demonstrate our dependence on Him.

How Much Should I Tithe?

Take the Tithe Challenge

Countless people experience God’s blessings when they tithe, but often the first step is the hardest one to take. That’s why we created the Three-Month Tithe Challenge. Put God first in your finances for 90 days, and if you do not experience His faithfulness, we will refund 100% of your tithe.

Register for the Tithe Challenge