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We are heartbroken by the destruction and loss of Hurricanes Irma & Harvey. As a church, we will help those who are in need in any way we can.

Find out how you can join the relief effort

Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on the disaster relief effort.

1. Pray

Join us in praying for the victims of Hurricane Irma & Harvey, the first responders, the relief and rescue teams, and safety for all.

2. Give

City First Church has been a long-time partner with the global organization, Convoy of Hope International. They are currently on the ground in Texas, aiding those left in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, and are mobilizing efforts in South Florida to respond to the devastation of Hurricane Irma.

There are 3 ways you can make a donation to help the victims of Hurricane Irma & Harvey:

Give By Text

Text any amount and the keyword RELIEF ($100 RELIEF) to your location number:
Spring Creek (Rockford):
Cape Coral:

Give Online

Click the link below to make a one-time gift using your credit or debit card.

Give Now

Give With Check Or Cash

During our Sunday Worship Experience, use the offering envelope and designate “Disaster Relief” in the memo line.
Make checks payable to “City First Church”.

3. Join A Relief Team

Not only do we want to provide immediate assistance, but also offer support and ongoing aid.

If you are interested in being a part of a relief team, please email us at

South Florida

We are currently talking with churches and organizations on the ground to assess the best way we can partner with ongoing relief efforts.


One of the ways we will help is in the rehabilitation of churches that have been destroyed by Hurricane Harvey. After living through so much loss, having a place to find hope and encouragement will be pivotal in the recovery of this region and its people. We will provide financial aid and send teams to take part in restoring churches along the Gulf Coast.